Último: 0.82
Último: 0.56

Cobertura de analistas

Empresa Analista Telefone E-mail
Canaccord Genuity logo Katie Lachapelle, CPA (416) 869-7294 klachapelle@cgf.com
“The Right Place, the Right Time” (10 de julho de 2023)
Clarus logo Varun Arora (416) 343-2779 varora@clarussecurities.com
"Solid Bandeira Updates: Resource Surges ~2x; A Powerhouse PEA - Brazil's Next Li Mine By H2/2025" (19 de outubro de 2023)
“Priming Towards Production in 2024 with a Multi-Billion Dollar Blueprint Next Door” (17 de março de 2023)
Desjardins logo Frederic Tremblay, CFA (514) 841-0283 frederic.a.tremblay@desjardins.com
“Potential to Quickly Move from “Ionic” to “Iconic” (4 de outubro de 2023)
Stifel GMP logo Cole McGill (416) 943-6631 cmcgill@stifel.com
“First Mover Geology Without First Mover Hurdles: Itinga in the Fast Lane.” (25 de abril de 2023)

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